Lenticular Printing Technology
- 2010-09-08 17:26:56
Very simply, lenticular refers to a sheet of plastic lens (that can come in different sizes and thickness) consisting of an array ofoptical elements called lenticules that create a convex perspective of multiple images. This technology is used to create a lenticular
When viewed from different angles, different areas under the lens are reflected to the viewer. Views are arranged under
the lens so that each eye is projected a different view. The brain then processes these views to a single coherent 3D, Flip or
Animated image.
Lenticular technology actually dates back to the 1690s when Gois-Clair, a French painter, discovered that he could achieve a dimensional effect on canvas by interposing a grid betweena viewer and a painting. Gois-Clair painted two distinct pictures on a plane surface, over which he affixed a grid of vertical laths. These laths were arranged
perpendicular to the plane and attached to it at right angles. By looking at the painting from the left side, one would see one
painting; another distinct painting could be seen from the right side, and a combination of the two paintings could be seen
when looking at the painting straight on.
Lenticular is array of cylindrical lens
Lenticular lens job is to focus light on the print from different angles. A good example would be a pair of eyeglasses. Theycorrect the vision by focusing light onto the eye.
Lenticular sheets consist of lens grooves on one side with coating on the back for printing images. From the lenticular lensgroove side, we can see a very thin line of the image on the other side of the lenticular sheet, and this image line’s location
is determined by the observer’s view angle. If an image is printed at each lens interval, the observer will see different images
when looking from different angles.
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